Thursday, October 2, 2008

Operation Murambatsvina

Operation Murambatsvina meaning Operation Restore order in English is a big Zimbabwean campaign that go around the country forcing people that are in illegal housing and commercial activities. The United Nations have estimated around 2.4 million people have been affected because of this. This operation is to help the spread of disease and other infectious things. Although the operation has received harsh attention from other political parties, church groups and other non government organizations. The UN has stated that this is an effort to drive out and make homeless of the urban and rural poor because they are the opposition of Mugabe. Many Zimbabweans refer to this as the Zimbabwe Tsunami because of the devastation it caused to the country in 2004. It has affected the major cities and the government would like to extend it into the rural areas.


Hannah said...

In what ways did this operation affected millions of people? Could you present specific examples?

mattycavs said...

If this Operation was designed to help, why has it done so much damage? I am not sure I even understand what the outcome was suppose to be? Who was behind this movement and how was it suppose to help? If Mugabe was not behind it, was it destined to fail?