Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The inflation crisis happening in Zimbabwe has increased immensely in the past few months. In May 2008 the inflation was at a stunning 2.2 million percent and has increased to a shocking 11.2 million percent. Back in a February the price for a loaf of bread cost a little less than 200,000 dollars and that same loaf of bread costs 1.6 trillion dollars today. Zimbabwe was once known as the backbone of Africa but since the land reform program started they have been through a chaotic economic meltdown. Many people now believe it has gotten worse because of President Mugabe's reelection in June which caused a huge dispute with his opposition Morgan Tsvangirai. The economy has been destroyed in Zimbabwe and people can no longer afford many basic things that people need to survive anymore. A lot of the people in Zimbabwe have left the country hoping to find a better life somewhere else.

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